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Vaishnav Innerfaith Pushtimargiya Organization

Sewa in the devotional stream of Pushtimarg

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Pujya Shri Aashraykumarji Mahodayshri

In the devotional stream of Pushtimarga, serving the Lord is our supreme religion. Just as life is not possible without water, so it is not possible to attain the Lord without service. The most direct way to attain the Lord is service. The service of the Lord in the path of gracr is done from childhood. Just as we pamper our children at home, we should pamper our Lord as us. It is as if the Lord has to serve with pampering love, realizing that he is like a child, happy, naughty. There are different streams of service to the Lord through kirtan, through proving the material, the service of clothing, the service of preparing ornaments. By the grace of Shri Vallabhadhish Acharyasri, the Lord is present in all our homes and by the grace of Sri Gusainji, we can move forward on the path of service. The devotion must be done at the price of Tatsukh. Where the Lord's happiness is to be considered, there must be a beautiful combination of adornment-materials and manners. "My mind is full of rubies, my mind is full of charms, and love is the key to the release of such an interest. "Our mind is mortgaged to Manek Mohan and the interest in love has increased so much that there is no hope of getting out of it now. Once the heart has been given, once it has been placed at the feet of Lord Krishna, how can it be freed from naughtiness. If you want to be bound in the bondage of God easily and instinctively, the best way is to serve the childishness of the path of confirmation. Mangala, Srungar, Gopi Vallabh, Rajbhog, Utthapan, Bhog, Sandhya and Shayan. These eight types are the daily value of Lord Krishna. Think of the Lord's daily routine with the same childishness as our child's daily routine.

The order of service to the Lord is from Mangla. Amangalam Naivarutairthay Destruction of Amangal means the beginning of Mangal. For worldly Vaishnavism, it has become inevitable today for Vaishnavism to wake up in the morning and look at the phone, but Prabhat must start with Prabhusmarana. By meditating on our all-embracing Lord Krishnachandra Prabhu by joining hands with the price of humility in the heart, the mind is purified, bathing purifies the body. Serving leads to inner purification which includes all kinds of service to the Lord. The whole day is spent very happily being loving and serviceable. Many Vaishnays do not order service due to lack of time. By waking up in the morning - Brahmamuhurta, Vaishnav gets an unparalleled combination of the benefits of body health, also the convenience of time and the taste of devotion to the Lord. A feeling of wonderful energy during the day, an increase in work capacity as the mind is in an excellent state, an unprecedented change in temperament and a sense of humility are felt by Vaishnays. Waking up in the morning, bowing to the Lord seated in the heart. Brahmasambandh, remembrance of one's own Acharyacharan Srivallabha, remembrance of Srigusainiji, remembrance of one's own guru and then the order of defecation and bathing. One should serve the Lord every day. That is the order of continual service.

Sri Gusainiji has commanded that you will get the fruits of service only if you combine the type of affection in service, the idea of Tatsukh, the conduct of Vaishnavism and the right to receive the grace of God in this survey service work. So let's think about Mangla In the next issue ...

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